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Nice game. I waiting for next  update and romances with all heroes/heroines. :D

(2 edits)

@Greono Games I am really enjoying the game, but all of a sudden the language has turned Spanish and I can't turn it back to English? I have deleted and redownloaded but nothing has worked. Help!!!


@Greono Games What do you think about the idea of being able to change Anny's gender too?


Hello, so far, I don't plan on doing that.


I don't want to sound desperate, but when can we expect the next update? Does it have a time frame or do you post when you feel satisfied with the result? I'm curious


I post when I feel there is interesting and playable content. There is a more current version v0035.


Do you plan to release it on Steam? The game is so good, and I hope I could have it in my count


I intend to release a Steam version when the game is more complete.


when comes the version 003???

When I save a game I see the file being written to the Saves folder, but nothing appears when I go to Load a New game. There's also no visual indication that the game was saved (nothing to click on).


Very strange, try starting the game as administrator.

If your version is 003, saves are path in "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\GGames\Two Sides - Redone\Saves"


Running as Administrator didn't help. :( 


Oh, and I am on version 0.02.1


In this case, the files must be inside the 'Saves' folder, which must be located in the game's main folder.

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

What NTR.. no NTR please or is it avoidable?

It's avoidable.


What are the new cheat codes?


Hii!! is there a chance for a Android port?? my PC broke recently and i really want to play the new version! I'm am a fan of the game since the beginning, and i really want to revisit my Bald baby hahah

kisses & hugs from Brazil 💖🇧🇷


Sorry, I'm not making the game for Android yet.


ooh, that's okay!


how do i use the cheat code?

Access the settings menu.


Can I just ask what the 😈emoji means? Obviously the other two are friendship and love or affection, but I don't really understand what that one's supposed to be.

The purple devil symbol refers to the level of Domination that the MC has over a person.

(1 edit) (+1)

When 0.03 ?


Hello welcome.

Version 003 is in production.


can male characters become a transgender woman


At a certain point in the plot, the player will become a woman because of an experiment with DDream. But I make it clear that remaining a woman will be optional.


NTR tag ...

Olá, há uma data agendada para a versão 0.03?

(1 edit)

Version 003 will be bigger than the others and will take time. I believe in at least 2 months.


how do you unlick amy's phone?

What happens after I put the pills in Bret's pocket behind the bathroom. Is there a scene afterwards?


is a preparation for version 003 on the beach.


Is there a different cheatcode for this update? And if  there is can you tell what it is?



Thank you so much🤗

How do I start the alley scenes, I already have version 0.2

you need to make the taxi driver put you out of the taxi before arriving at the building.



I already have version 0.2

but how did I manage to find Brat after saying goodbye to Lindsey at the old station


How do I get to the alley scenes, I couldn't get to that part I tried everything

the alley scene is only in version 002 which will be on its way soon to the final audience.


you should get angry men in taxi, then he will take off you at the alley 

When will update 0.2 come out?

I'm working on it and will try to bring it in today.


I'm following you, yet when you do updates I don't get notified. I think Itch's notifications are acting up some. It did it to me to another game I'm following aswell. Also, instead of having Mega and Drive listed under the download. Could you tell the versions of the game so people knows what version has been uploaded? I didn't even know you had a fix8 until I looked on Mega.

I will follow your advice!

Itch is not my main platform, if you want, you would be much better off following my pages on Instagram, X, Patreon, SubscriberStar or Discord. Not only are updates posted there, but also information on how the game is developing.


Do I need to start new game before release of new update?

When the version is released, you will only need to start a save on the morning of day 1.

When is the next update coming out?

I'm doing everything I can to bring it back today.

Hello,will Doctor Hartmann in TwoSides reboot?

Yes, he is coming

the update v0.02 will be available here in itch?

hey, welcome! will be available to public in 03-26-2024.

great! thank you! ♥

Hello, will it be a system of love? Like, to fall in love? Thank you! Good game!


Friendship: is confidence and trust;

Love: Love, passion and romance;

Domination: is fear, manipulation, how subjected and tamed;

thank you!!

Hey I played it and had blank dialogue options. Is there a fix for this?


Could you be more specific where this occurs?

Every choice is blank, no text just empty boxes.

will this game come to steam?


the google drive link are not working

Thank you, the link has fixed.

Is there an available walkthrough somewhere?

Sorry, I don't have a walkthrough planned.


Can you make a android port


Привет, ты в ближайшее время не планируешь зарегистрировать страницу в игре в Boosty, так как я из России и только там могу поддерживать твою игру.

Interesting, I've never heard of it. I will take a look.

I'm currently on Patreon and Subscribestar.

Не Patreon и Subscribesta я не могу оплатить так как всемирная система оплат для России заблокирована толка в системе на Boosty могу оплатить они поддерживают нашу систему оплаты с карты


I'm evaluating how to integrate boosty. I still don't know the rules there, how do they act with the type of content I have?


Они одобрят я поддерживал игру LYNDARIA она эротического содержания 


You can now access Boosty:


esse é um clássico


uh not sure why the audio has to be so loud at the start....

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